ProDiGi – Project description

The declared aim of the Horizon 2020 strategy, presented by the European Commission in November 2011, is the “re-industrialization” of Europe. This reindustrialization is based on ICT technologies as key elements to replace a decaying industrial fabric based on low-tech, labour-intensive products by one with high-tech, high added value products. Nationally, the ICT sector and the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism have designed and launched the Digital Agenda for Spain, which consists of meeting four major challenges: the reindustrialization of the country based on the digital economy, the extension of ultra-fast broadband, improved competitiveness and productivity, and trust and security in the digital environment.

There is an unmet aggregate demand of a very significant size in terms of tools for digitizing processes and low degree of digitization of production processes in the small and medium business segment, restricting their competitiveness.

The vision of the ProDiGi project is to meet the needs of that latent demand by launching the first European Marketplace for the Digitization of Industrial Processes. The vision of ProDiGi goes beyond migration to the cloud of industrial ICT tools (design, engineering, simulation, production, logistics, automation, etc.) and proposes the implementation of a digital ecosystem focused on the design, validation and provision of digitized production processes in the cloud.


The aim of the ProDiGi project is therefore to address the implementation of a marketplace for providing reliable services and applications based on future Internet technologies, supported by an open innovation ecosystem for the digitization of industrial processes in auxiliary automobile industry.

The aim of the ProDiGi project can be dividede into the following sub-aims:

  • To provide companies that develop ICT solutions and services with the components, tools and methodologies that allow them fast and effective development of new process digitization applications, with native support in the cloud and in mobility.
  • To provide manufacturing firms with bidding mechanisms for process digitization needs and services.
  • To provide ICT service manufacturing and developing companies access to open, collaborative development environments that allow them rapid prototyping and of services and evaluation and interaction with applications.
  • To provide certification programmes and test environments for the validation and remote verification of the performance of the applications developed.
  • To provide a catalogue and service and application delivery platform with native support in the cloud and in mobility where manufacturers can find reliable solutions to their production process digitization needs.
  • To provide a legal framework for intellectual property management and procurement of services in the cloud with SLA (service level agreement).

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Participating entities


ICT outsourcing


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